Future Vision

Strategy Summit

Breakthrough Innovations

Even after 20 years of study, it appears that innovation management is still in its infancy. Based on my experience, large companies are regressing in their ability to effectively innovate. Processes that people tend to think are critical for an effective, efficient, low cost competitive business tend to stifle innovation, especially the game changing moves.… [Continue Reading]
Many times I have heard CEO’s and senior management lament that they are just not getting the return on their R&D investment that they expect. There are not enough breakthrough products or services that spawn significant new growth for the organization. The deficiency may not be with one’s R&D team or one’s Marketing team. The… [Continue Reading]
The Industrial Research Institute surveys its member companies each year about the biggest problems facing them. The results are surprisingly consistent year over year. The top biggest problems are: 1. Growing the business through Innovation 2. Accelerating innovation 3. Attracting & retaining R&D Talent 4. Balancing the short-term and long-term objectives. Innovation is the lifeblood… [Continue Reading]
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The Industrial Research Institute surveys its member companies each year about the biggest problems facing them. The results are surprisingly consistent year over year. The top biggest problems … [Read More...]
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